HABC Level 3 International Award in Delivering Training (IADT)

HABC Level 3 International Award in Delivering Training (IADT) course is designed for internal/external trainers who wish to improve their training skills.

  • Course Length: 3 Days

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HABC Level 3 International Award in Delivering Training (IADT)


HABC Level 3 International Award in Delivering Training (IADT) course is designed for internal/external trainers who wish to improve their training skills. This course & certificate is awarded by Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance, HABC (UK).

This qualification designed for learners who wish to train others. The main focus of this qualification on excellence in delivery and the effective visual aids to inspire and motivate learners. Trainers will be provided with professional and effective skills to use within the classroom. The qualification is suitable for both experienced and new trainers who wish to improve their performance and obtain a training which will enable them to deliver international qualifications.


Key Learning Points

1. Background knowledge

(i) Introduction, Roles and responsibilities of a trainer and how people learn

(ii) Planning and designing training

(iii) Selecting and using training resources

(iv) Preparing for delivery and practical consideration

(v) Delivering; equality, communication and questioning

(vi) Evaluating training

2. Demonstrate planning and preparation techniques

(i) Learners must demonstrate planning and preparation techniques

(ii) Learners must demonstrate an understanding of the importance of planning and preparation by developing a training audit and checklist

3. Deliver a training session

(i) Learners must deliver an inclusive micro-training session which motivates them (including a variety of training methods and learning aids to meet different learning style). This session must demonstrate the learner’s ability to communicate effectively.

4. Reflection on training session of self and peers

The learners must provide suitable motivational feedback to their peers and reflect on their training session and identify areas where they performed well and areas requiring further development.


Learning outcomes

  • The learner will understand the importance of implementing initial training and assessment procedures.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of a tutor.
  • Be able to plan and design a session.
  • Be able to develop and use resources.
  • Be able to deliver a training session.
  • Be able to evaluate a training session.


Duration :

3 Days

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