About The Course Emergency First Aid is an internationally accredited qualification. This qualification is ideal for those already working, or preparing to work, within industry who wish to become an Emergency First Aider in the workplace for the purposes of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Subjects covered include Incident Management, Dealing with Shock, Dealing with an Unconscious Casualty, CPR and Minor Injuries. Course Outline: The course will cover the following areas:- Introduction- The emergency First Aider What is First Aid? Emergency First Aid in the Workplace Responsibilities of the Emergency First Aider Action in an Emergency Primary Survey Secondary Assessment Breathing and Circulation Principles of Resuscitation (CPR) Disorders of Respiration Disorders of the Circulation Wounds and Bleeding Use of Automated External Defibrillator Assessment: Practical and theoretical assessments will focus on hazard recognition and control as indicated by student’s familiarity with the requirements/ procedures. Course Duration: 8 hours in total Certificate and Validity Emergency First Aid at Work from DCAS, Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance (HABC) valid for 3 years. Trakhees regulations – valid for 2 years.