About Environmental effects has turned into an expanding worry for organizations, as nearby and worldwide ecological issues bring progressively restrictive rules affecting air, water and ground pollution. One such case is that several major automotive makers command ISO 14001 certification among providers. The training will provide participants with an overview of the purpose and requirements of ISO 14001 as a tool for the management of environmental aspects and impacts. Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to understand the purpose of an environmental management system and describe the ISO 14001 standard. You will also have knowledge of the requirements and the legislative framework relevant to an EMS. Including knowledge of the purpose and the intent of the ISO 14001 series of standards. If you plan to complete other EMS training, such as the Lead Environmental Auditor Training and the Internal EMS Auditor Training, you will benefit from the strong knowledge and theory foundation this training provides for developing future auditing skills. The training comprises presentations and workshop exercises.